Life is Limitless. Awaken your Bold, Beauty!

A world beyond

traditional coaching

Most Coaching Models Are Just That.. A Model.

This Isn't About Doing A Model Or "Doing"

Anything At All, It Is About "Being".

A World Beyond Traditional Coaching

Most Coaching Models Are Just That.. A Model. This Isn't About Doing A Model Or "Doing" Anything At All, It Is About "Being".

In Order To Deliver Results That Transform Both Businesses And Lives...

A Coaching Program Must Have 3 Components:


Real world success strategies and results coaching that focuses on you, the authentic you that is dying for your love.


Unified Support. A sisterhood community and Safe place to express and Unleash and unveil!


Simplicity. Connectedness. Guidance.

The problem with going it alone in a vast world of information technology is that you only get the steps to do something, but it doesn't really help guide you or show you what can't be seen on one's own. This leaves you feeling frustrated, doing more, feeling exhausted, and not knowing if your problems will ever go away because there are so many factors involved in achieving success!

You are smart enough to know that there is something missing, something you can't see and you need someone to help bring the clarity that will open your greatest possibilities and bring you home to the authentic you. And you also realize that having a “coach” just tell you what to do is nothing more than expensive advice taking from someone that doesn't have an understanding of what is really going on inside.

The truth is, you don't have to go it alone. We simply are not equipped to see our blindspots. When you are in any given situation that disempowers you, it is hard to see beyond the weeds of the limitations that only you can clear with the help of someone who can guide you to be witness to what they are. An expert guide or mentor will actually teach what works best for you to create lasting results!

is different.

Members win with me because I LOVE them! Yes! Your desire to move through to achieve your highest authentic self is reason enough to fall in love with you. Here, you are part of a family of committed Warriors and Goddesses all wanting to uplevel. I take your success seriously and you don’t have time to waste. You deserve to come alive and have results now, not tomorrow-and that's why we're here for you!

My 20+ year strategy has been field-tested by many professionals with success across the board - no matter how deep your pain is or how hidden the shadows of your past are, we will walk through together to unveil the hidden truths that you weren’t taught to seek. There is a power, a magic gateway to your greatest strength that is waiting for your acceptance.

I make it simple because you don’t need to waste time figuring out more to do or forcing something that feels unnatural, instead- just do what works! It is all simplified down so even if success wasn't before then believe me here at FierceGrace, it is Now!

3 Reasons You Should Not Do Business With Us.

We Need To Be Honest About Something...

Unlike all the other programs out there, we’re not for everyone. So here are three reasons you should NOT do business with us.


Don't work with us if you are closed off and Resistant to Vulnerability

It is the biggest lie that vulnerability is a sign of weakness. The interesting truth is, Vulnerability is a hidden superpower that is highly underused. Our clients get results because they are committed to doing whatever it takes to move through limitations. Doesn't mean it will always be easy but it is simple.

Our clients work hard to open up what needs to be moved through so that it never creates a bottleneck in their lives again. You have to be willing to leave the excuses at the door and brave through the challenges and fears. You will earn your greatest results and finally own what has been rightfully yours all along. It is waiting for your taking, but it's 100% up to you.


Don’t Work With Us If You’re Not 100% Committed to letting the story GO.

If you are committed to the story that has kept holding back your true essence instead of releasing it and creating a new one, then this isn't for YOU.

People consistently hold on to their stories of limitation to avoid exploring their true potential – they come for help and then find everything wrong with the system, or some excuse as to why this isn’t possible. Our clients are ready and willing to let go of the story and allow for a new perspective, the one that is from your truest authentic self.

Our clients want more. They want to live a life of fulfillment and joy, true joy. They want to have more financial freedom. They want to have more time with their families. And they’re willing to rewrite the story that isn't serving and take total responsibility for their happiness.

So if that’s not you, we still love you, but you’re not ready to work with us.


Don’t Work With Us If You’re stuck in the blame game.

You could be totally justified in your accusation of blame. You were wronged, I get it. Not saying what happened was right, however, when we are stuck in blame we are diverting the opportunity to discover that what happened was actually all in Divine order and for our highest good.

Our clients are willing to look beyond the unforgiving heart that says, "you did this to me" or "this happened to me; that's why I can't succeed or find my authentic voice". The opportunity to live a limitless life comes with great responsibility. Our clients are willing to take extreme ownership of their part in blocking their greatest potential.

This is where the integrity of your Spirit's purest form will be called upon. So if your heart isn't in this, I understand, but we won't be able to move forward in good conscience. However, if you are committed to getting results and serving yourself, your family, and Humanity like we do, then we can help you do that.

So let’s talk about who is a fit for FierceGrace

Who We Are For...

If you are a woman ready to stop hiding and start living in your most authentic expression of true feminine power. To release the masculine mask, lay down your armor, and stop fighting, to live Authentically, Unapologetically with Purpose, Sensuality and Passion, then we can help.

You must be ready to break the cycle of pain and suffering and turn your attention to the infinite possibilities of your own Feminine power. To putting down the phone, stop juggling everything, and to finally thrive without the need to control everything and break down the barrier of fear that keeps you in a masculine prison. Finally, you must not be afraid of a Spiritual conversation. There is a power greater than ourselves and you must be open to the connection to that source.

You must show up coachable willing & able to do things differently. We know what works and don’t have time to argue or convince. You must be decisive rather than analyzing every little detail constantly. So many people get stuck in analysis paralysis, the key is being decisive - life moves way too fast for you to not have an answer ready! You also need resourcefulness; there is always a way for the truly committed.

If you’re ready to awaken, activate and actualize not only your Human Spirit, but the beautiful Feminine beauty empowered to live a life of passion, sensuality and bliss, then click below to watch our latest masterclass. In it, I reveal the step-by-step strategies we use to help our clients create and live a life that they dreamed of. One that you look forward to waking up to every single day! Every day is an opportunity to taste your delicious life and suck the juice out of it!

Click on the link below and watch now!Button

Jessie Torres has hands-down been one of the biggest influences in my life... and in finding my true purpose.

I’ve been doing “the work“ on myself for over 20 years. I have worked with a ton of coaches and I have had so many influences on my life. Jessie Torres has hands-down been one of the biggest influences in my life... and in finding my true purpose.

Before I met her, I was able to make linear progress, but I was never able to cut through to the heart of all the toxic shame, regret, or “ghosts from my past“ that were causing me to think and act and feel and behave in ways that were out of alignment with my true self. Jessie helped me break free from that and step into the power and essence of who I truly am... and who God designed me to be.

She has a way about her and a level of skillsets that could only be described as inherent "gifts" and I’ve never met anyone that knows how to cut to the heart of the matter like she does. Not just that, but she will take a stand for you and invite you into a bigger picture – – a picture that you didn’t even know was possible because it was in your 'blindspot '-- a possibility of true purpose and freedom.

I am forever grateful for the work we did together and the lasting impact that it STILL has on me on a daily basis. I genuinely would not have become the woman I am today without her guidance and influence.

Leanne Ellington

- Leanne E.

Author, Educator, Podcaster, and Creator of Stressless Eating

Jessie helped me break through some of the major challenges in my life and helped me step into being a new and more impact-driven Version of myself.

Jessie is one of the most incredible humans and most incredible coaches you’ll ever meet. I will forever be thankful for how she has helped me and my family change our lives. In 2018 she helped me break through some of the major challenges in my life and helped me step into being a new and more impact-driven Version of myself. She also helped me with a major transformation which has given my son a new outlook on life and even more opportunities. If that wasn’t enough, without her support and coaching there’s no way I would have felt confident as both a mom and a CEO, and the ability to be both at the same time, and we would’ve never had our second baby. We jokingly call our second child baby Jessie, because she truly had that much impact on his little life! Thank you thank you thank you, Jessie. You’re a light warrior that I will always respect and admire.

- Kristin B.

Entrepreneur and Business owner of

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Michelle makes the sales conversation so simple and loving.

Stephanis Lankford

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Yesterday, I signed my 4th coaching client! Pilot program full!

Shelly West

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I enrolled 2 new students today. First 2 in 1 day ever!

Sara Ceo

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